Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Accurate Reporting Fail.

Usually, I love listening to NPR.  I love that they don't yell at me, and I love the storytelling of it (which, I believe, is an art that must be preserved).  And usually they make attempts to be politically neutral. 
One day, I recall hearing Peter Segal, from "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me," making a joke about Barack Obama (then candidate for president) and telling his audience--after he was met with near silence--that it's OK to laugh at him once in a while, too.
Today really bothered me, though.  When reporting on one of the Afghan candidates for president, Renee Montagne said, "He was the first candidate in Afghanistan to put up a sophisticated Web site, aimed at getting support and lots of small donations. In this, he's taken a page from Barack Obama's groundbreaking online politicking."
Um.  Renee.  Barack Obama was not the first to do this.  Nor was he the best at it (though, admittedly, it got him farther). 

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