Saturday, March 22, 2008

Things I Resent/Animal Symbolism in C.S. Lewis.

Taking a new direction.
For a while, I was reading that "Stuff White People Like" blog. It's hilarious, but after a while, I found myself resenting it. My conclusion is that I see too much of myself in it.

To an extent, I resent myself for judging people based on how they write. Really, I don't resent that I do that, but I had to add something to fulfill the "Things" I Resent part.

Seriously, folks, don't resign yourselves to the thought that "you can't spell." It's just as sad as those who simply "hate math." Depressing!

Today I reread The Horse and His Boy. I'm hoping to get through Prince Caspian before the movie comes out. Anyway, in the former, Lewis writes a scene where these horses are being chased by a lion. Later, we find that the lion was none other than the Jesus-lion, Aslan. Although plainly obvious imagery, Lewis still feels the need to point out that Aslan chased the horses so that they would run through their fatigue in order to warn the king of Archenland in time that he could plan a defense against an impeding army of horsemen.

It's taking me way too long to tie this metaphor into law school, which is what I did when driving home from the airport today.


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